
How to Contact Us: Email Inquiries for International Customers

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Ensuring Efficient Communication Through Email Inquiries

Ensuring Efficient Communication Through Email Inquiries


Important Notice for Our International Customers: How to Contact Us via Email

Ensuring Efficient Communication Through Email Inquiries

At Mold Busters Okinawa, we are proud to offer our mold removal services to a wide range of customers, including many from around the world. We understand the importance of addressing mold issues promptly and efficiently, and we appreciate the trust our international customers place in us.

Why Email Inquiries?

To ensure we can provide the best possible service to all our customers, we kindly request that international inquiries be made via email. Here are the reasons why this method is beneficial for both parties:

Efficient Communication: Written inquiries allow us to gather all necessary information and provide detailed, accurate responses. This helps us to understand your needs better and offer tailored solutions.

Time Zone Differences: As we operate in Japan, time zone differences can make real-time communication challenging. Email inquiries ensure that your questions and concerns are addressed as soon as possible, even outside of our regular business hours.

Language Considerations: While we strive to assist our international customers, our team is more equipped to handle written English inquiries. This allows us to provide clear and precise information without the pressure of real-time language barriers.

How to Make an Email Inquiry

Making an email inquiry is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to contact us:

Compose Your Email: Write a new email addressed to our official email address.

Provide Necessary Details: Include your name, contact information, and a detailed message about your inquiry. Be as specific as possible to help us understand your needs.

Send the Email: After composing your message, send the email. You will receive an acknowledgment of your inquiry.

Await Our Response: Our team will review your email and respond within [time frame, e.g., 24-48 hours]. We will provide detailed information and next steps to address your mold-related concerns.

Or please use our line account.

Our Commitment to You

We are committed to providing excellent service to all our customers, regardless of location. By using email for inquiries, you help us to maintain a high standard of service and ensure that your inquiries are handled efficiently and effectively.

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions or need assistance with mold removal, please do not hesitate to reach out via email . We look forward to assisting you and resolving your mold issues promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

電話番号 : 080-3977-9591


