Do you have a mold problem?
Leave it to Mold Busters Okinawa!
Specialists in dealing with mold problems throughout Okinawa
Thorough inspection for mold removal
We will install mold removal based on the results of a thorough inspection.We will perform a thorough inspection and install mold removal
Mold Busters Group, including Mold Busters Okinawa, performs mold removal using our proprietary mold removal method, MIST Method®.
Based on the results of a thorough investigation of the moldy material and the type of mold, we formulate a special mold remover. We remove the mold without scraping, rubbing, or damaging the material.
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Mold Busters Okinawa" provides mold removal services that "do not damage materials" and are "gentle to the human body and the environment!
Please feel free to contact us first.